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New web site launched
     After hours of page design, graphics design, and HTML authoring, the CR proudly reveils its new web site.   This site was specifically designed to be exciting, yet jam-packed with useful CR information and resources.  Please visit the help section by clicking on the blue button with a question mark, or click here.  The help page will familiarize you with this web site and hopefully will solve any problems you might be experiencing.  If you have further problems or suggestions -- anything whatsoever -- please feel free to send me email at  Enjoy!  -- MacClay [Dec. 19, 1997]

Necessary border limitations
     The notion that all conservatives in America want to close our borders and end immigration is a lie.  Just as Marion Barry does not determine Democratic party policy, David Duke does not determine Republican party policy.
     The fact is the 1996 Republican Platform states, "New Americans strengthen our economy, enrich our culture, and defend the nation in war and peace."  Unless they are Native Americans, all Americans have ancestors who have immigrated to this continent.  From the first immgrants to the ones who take an oath of citizenship today, they are some of the best American citizens we have.  Yet there is a real need for sensible reform in America's immigration policy.
     The word immigrant has been given a bad name.  Like most groups that are stereotyped, it has only taken a few bad apples.  The problem is that these bad apples are a real thorn in America's side.
     Despite America's current economic success, people are hurting.  America is dealing with a poor educational system.  Worse, many Americans are poor, jobless, living on welfare, or worse yet, homeless and hungry.  They need our resources.  Instead we have to fight the bad apples.
     America has to deal with illegal and criminal aliens.  Illegal and criminal aliens are bleeding our resources.  They are burdening our taxpayers by abusing public services, taking American jobs, increasing crime, and burdening our justice system.  This is a heavy price.
     There are good American immigration programs and goals that unite families and allow asylum.  But those programs are being abused.  It is time for new action.  America needs legislation to make sure that only citizens benefit from our costly welfare system.  The only public aid illegal and criminial aliens deserve is emergency medical aid.  The money we currently spend dealing with these people is better served in programs for the American citizens mentioned above.  They have earned it.
     Other necessary legislation includes a tightened border patrol.  Not only would this aid in keeping illegal aliens out of the United States, but it would also help keep illegal drugs out.  Aliens legally residing in the United States that are guilty of drug violations, domestic violence, robbery, stalking, or child abuse should face deportation.  They are not worth the money it costs to jail them.  Those guilty of serious crimes like rape or murder should have to face our maximum penalties because those people should not be free in any country.
     The most serious change needs to be a Constitutional one.  If one is born in America, then one is given American citizenship.  This sounds reasonable.  But reality shows us this system is abused.  Illegal aliens go to any cost to make sure their children are born in the United States so they can file for benefits.  Under the current law of the land, our arms are tied.  It is not humane to keep an American baby from his or her parents.  An amendment would exclude children born to illegal immigrants from being granted citizenship.
     Hard-working Americans of all colors, cultures, and creeds have been building America for generations.  Some fought wars from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War to World Wars to the Gulf War.  They continue to strive for freedom in America and around the world.  Some, like the Native Americans, have had their lands robbed and their people slaughtered.  Some, like African and Asian Americans, have ancestors who literally had no freedom as slaves and were forced to build this country on their backs.  Others have come in recent years and are now helping America stay the leader of the free world.  They have all come and stayed to realize the hope and promise of American freedom.
     The United States is always looking for more good Americans.  So please, if you will help America, immigrate.  Come, but come legally.  Come, but do not abuse the freedom Americans before you died for.  Come, but do not expect a hand out.  Go to your legally responsible American sponsor for that.  Come, but do not bring drugs.  Come, but do not commit crimes.  Come to become a responsible free American.  People worked very hard for you to come to this free land.  Do not abuse that privilege, and please do not give a bad name to the large majority of honest immigrants.
     America can no longer afford to deal with non-zitizen bad apples.  America needs to keep the bad apples out so we can help our own citizens.  Spending money on illegal and criminal aliens is a poor excuse to give to homeless, hungry, poor, jobless, and uneducated Americans.  Let's spend taxpayer money on them.
     These are not extremist ideas.  These are mainstream Republican thoughts.  Reform on immigration is the answer, not closing our borders down.  Just as immigrants have been given a bad name by a few apples, so have Republicans.  Like most issues, Republicans are simple looking for a sensible, responsible policy.  -- Solomon [Nov. 20, 1997, Diamondback]

The real Republican political stance
     Why would anyone claim to be Republican here?  I mean this is a college campus, right?  Aren't students supposed to be liberal, and therefore Democrats?
     Well, I would argue that college campuses are more in tune with striving for ideals.  Ideals of freedom, compassion and justice.  So open your mind because I am going to convince you that it is in fact the Republican Party that best represents those ideals.
     First, there are many misconceptions about the start of the Republican Party.  I often hear satan was involved, but the truth may be startling to all of your preconceptions.
     The truth is that the Republican Party began as a revolutionary uprising against the institution of slavery that the southern Democrats fought a war to maintain.
     By contrast, the first president of the Republican Party happened to be Abraham Lincoln.  Think the Party represents different ideals today?  Well Abe's own words prove that the party has not fundamentally changed.  He said, "In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves government ought not interfere."
     Theodore Roosevelt was the next in a great tradition of Republican presidents.  Roosevelt fought for the rights of working people and against big corporations to become known as a trust buster.  He fought vigorously for women's suffrage, eventually winning passage of the 20th Amendment.  His accomplishments also include establishing our national park service, inviting the first black man to the White House and establishing military superiority.
     Dwight Eisenhower continued in the Republican tradition by leading our nation in perhaps its most prosperous times, and implementing the Supreme Court's decision to integrate the school system.  The GOP has a fine idealistic tradition that it upholds today.
     Contrast this honorable history with the current leadership that the Democratic Party offers.  Bill Clinton is the leader of the Democratic Party.  Contrasting his convictions (no pun intended -- he has not been convicted -- yet), with the principles of the great leaders of any party is almost not fair.  Bill Clinton simply lacks a core set of beliefs that he is willing to stand by when they become unpopular.
     Need some evidence?  Sen. Bob Kerrey, a Democrat, claims that "Clinton is an unusually good liar."  The examples Slick Willie provides are simple too numerous to mention, although there is room for a few.
     Bill Clinton has taken money, a $200,000 donation from convicted drug ringleader named Dan Laster.  Last has even been to the White House.  Could it be that he feared the possibilities of the Republicans coming to power?
     The Republican Party is the party of all people, the party that trusts the people and the party that maintains independence from government for all citizens.
     Think that the Republican Party is in the pocket of rich special interest groups?  Well, here's some news for you, the average donation to the Republican Party is $34.  If that seems low, that's because it is.  The average contribution to the Democratic National Committee is more than $200.  Now which is truly representing your interests?
     Democrats make shameless emotional appeals to the compassionate side of people, often simply to win votes based on race and gender.  The Democratic Party traditionally receives around 90 percent of the african Amercian vote.  But why?  What has the Democratic Party done for this demographic?
     The Republican Party is a large, all encompassing tent in which differing opinions are encouraged.  Believe it or not there are pro-choice and affirmative action advocates within the Party.
     The only tenements that are essential to join the Republican Party is a love for liberty by shrinking the involvement of the federal government in our lives and belief in an economic system of capitalism practiced such that limited regulations and taxes make the economy grow, so that everyone may share in the wealth of society.
     If you agree, disagree or would like to discuss any of these ideas further, come to the first meeting of the College Republicans today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1143 of the Student Union.  -- Dacey [Sept. 30, 1997, Diamondback]

UMCP students capture top two state CR positions
     On April 12, 1997, at the Maryland Federation for College Republicans Annual Convention, Josh Bird, Chairman from UMCP, was elected state Chairman of MFCR.   Further, Kim Holmes (First Vice Chair from the UMCP chapter) was elected First Vice Chair of MFCR.   We wish them the best of luck as they lead the MFCR over the next year.  -- Parsons

Success in '96
     1996 proved to be a bittersweet year for the CRs at UMCP. While our efforts helped to maintain a Republican majority in the House and Senate, we fell short with the re-election of Bill Clinton to his second term.   Looking to 1997, we plan to have one of our best semesters yet as we continue to work with Republicans at both the state and national level.  -- Parsons

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News Articles:
    New web site launched
        Dec. 19, 1997 -- MacClay
    Necessary border limitations
        Nov. 20, 1997 -- Solomon
    The real Republican political stance
        Sept. 30, 1997 -- Dacey
    Students capture top 2 state CR positions
    Success in '96

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Copyright © 1997-1999 Kevin MacClay. University of Maryland Disclaimer.