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Thousands of precious lives are lost each year!
Please, I urge you, read on!

Late Second and Third Trimester Partial Birth Abortion:

"The doctor turns the unborn child into the 'breech' position (feet first) and pulls the child from the mother until all but the head is delivered. He or she then forces scissors into the base of the skull and inserts a catheter to suction out the child's brain."

Thousands of these procedures take place each year, the vast majority of which are not intended to save the life of the mother.

Dr. Martin Haskell, who has performed over 1000 partial-birth abortions, said that he performs them "routinely" for non-medical reasons, and that 80% are "purely elective."

Here is an account of one such procedure:

here for the image of the baby described below.
(WARNING: This image is very graphic and unsettling.)

"It is difficult to see, but the brutality of this procedure is unbelievable. This abortionist traumatically tore off the umbilical cord and his penis, and surgically shaved off the baby's buttocks so that he would bleed to death before his brains were sucked out after a hole was made at the base of the baby's skull. Take a close look at this baby, you may notice that he has all of his fingers (and his toes, even though you can't see them), and there is no cleft lip, no facial signs of mental illness. This baby had no outward signs of having any physical problems. This baby was killed at the convenience of the mother."

Partial birth abortions are brutal and unnecessary.

How can you sit back and plead ignorance when so many lives are at stake?? Become Informed Now!

ANTI Partial Birth Abortion Links

PRO Partial Birth Abortion Links

Get involved!  The blame is on you too if you don't act now!

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